"For you shall not go out in haste, and you shall not go in flight, for the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard."1 I wanted to write a post on the eve of the new year, but stumbled across this from Oswald Chambers that summed it up better than I: Security from Yesterday. “God requireth that which is past.” At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise from remembering the yesterdays. Our … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2011
What Lies Ahead
"For you shall not go out in haste, and you shall not go in flight, for the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard."1 I wanted to write a post on the eve of the new year, but stumbled across this from Oswald Chambers that summed it up better than I: "Security from Yesterday. 'God requireth that which is past.' At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise from remembering the yesterdays. Our … [Read more...]
Thankful Thursday
Thank you my Lord, my saviour-dripping pure grace on the cross for me. Thank you for... - boys giggling hard on the floor - friends coming to visit from afar - Homeschool moms who write curriculum reviews and friends who share their resources -This wonderful woman who took so much time out of her days to give me feedback and suggestions for my resources. I am forever grateful! Hopefully we will meet someday! - soft blankets on two year old sleeping faces - flickering candelight that … [Read more...]
Wisdom Wednesday
This whole website is devoted to training our kids in wisdom and righteousness, but just how do we instill wisdom in our children? The more I use the classical model, the more I see how useful it is for everything. Parenting books may suggest that if we just speak this way, discipline that way, love our kids this way, and teach them certain things that they will miraculously turn out great. Over and over again I see what is true -- more is caught than taught, meaning we have to exemplify who … [Read more...]
Latin Copywork Book: John 1:1-7
I have added a new resource which I am super-excited about. It is the Latin Copywork book for John 1:1-7. I was thinking about the kids learning the latin, and I know they can recognize the words when I drill them, but I wanted them to think through the spelling of the words so their brain has a different way of digesting the information. I knew a copybook was the answer. I have begun teaching the kids cursive, but the preschooler is more comfortable with print most of the time. I created … [Read more...]
The Eve of the Christ Child…
The road was hot and her back ached. She could feel the baby low in her belly. She sat alone on the donkey as Joseph went to check for any available space. She just wanted to be done with the trip, to find rest off of the back of this mule. She repeated the scriptures to ward off irritation and prayed fervently for reassurance and comfort. Joseph returned, ashamed to offer what little he could find for his new bride whom he knew was uncomfortable, but it was all he had to give. They arrived … [Read more...]
The Eve of The Christ Child….
The road was hot and her back ached. She could feel the baby low in her belly. She sat alone on the donkey as Joseph went to check for any available space. She just wanted to be done with the trip, to find rest off of the back of this mule. She repeated the scriptures to ward off irritation and prayed fervently for reassurance and comfort. Joseph returned, ashamed to offer what little he could find for his new bride whom he knew was uncomfortable, but it was all he had to give. They arrived … [Read more...]
And the#1 reason why I don't post as much as I should....... This picture was taken no more than five minutes after he had a bath and a brand new outfit......I went to check my email.....he went to find more breakfast! … [Read more...]
Pictures of Home….
Well, we finished the video for the military man stitched close to our heart....Elias! It was a lot of fun, and I hope it brings him a bit of home in a land far away! Check it out and let me know what you think! (you will want to press pause on the music player on your lower right!) Don't forget the servicemen this holiday season! Send them goodies or just good cheer, but let them know you are thinking of them! Great sites for info: Any Soldier Give 2 the Troops An eHow article on … [Read more...]
Sending Home for the Holidays…..
Today our homeschool journey has us headed on the road early this morning....We are attempting to send some "home" to someone far from home..... Our cousin is currently serving in Afghanistan, and after loosing a cousin earlier this year over there our hearts are stitched right close to his. We came up with this idea to video our kids at all of the places he would recognize from home. We are setting the video to music of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", and the kids are holding signs up that … [Read more...]