The red of the tomato stands boldly against the green vines and the still-green flesh of the tomatoes surrounding it. My seven-year-old is lured by the red luster and motions for me to help her tug it from the vine. I tell her we have to let it be. "But it is ready, isn't it? It looks ripe." I nod and respond, "it is ripe, but do you see what's around it?" She looks back at the plant, and laughs how the tomato is all caged in by the … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2012
When the Ground Dries Up….
I shake my head, frustrated. How can it be that in one of the worst droughts in the Midwest, the weeds grow tall and green? Grass everywhere dying. Corn not filling the husks. We have been praying for rain. And waiting. And praying. And the Lord has decided it shall not come. We learn to find contentment in the midst of not having control, and to surrender that-which-will be to His sovereign will. But really, do those weeds have to … [Read more...]
Our 2012-2013 School Year Resources
I am putting the final touches on our school year plan. Actually, most of it has been planned since February or March! (I was a little excited to get started) I spent some time evaluating what worked well last year, what I hoped for this coming year, and from a practical standpoint, what I could actually be consistent in implementing. Things I learned last year: One thing that worked very well last year was to start gradually. Unfortunately we started school in September so … [Read more...]
How To Really Accessorize…
I was the one who would show up in a fancy dress and sneakers. I remember my mom telling me how my kindergarten teacher made the comment that I would come to school so cute and by the end of the day...well, I wouldn't be. I played tag hard and tumbled, and raced across monkey bars. I never cared if my shoes got dirty or if my hair was still braided, or if red Kool-Aid stained my new light-blue dress. But I am realizing more and more that my inability to … [Read more...]
When the Light Awakens
I work quickly, moving the mop back and forth across the 1920's wood floor. The same wood floor we worked day and night refinishing before the first baby was born. That was four babies ago, and now finding time just to wash them seems impossible sometimes. But there, something catches my eye and brings me to an abrupt halt. There in the gleam of the light, is the outline of a little tiny footprint - one left by the baby moving to toddlerhood. The same … [Read more...]
New Freebies!!!
The Creator gives us rich gifts everyday for free, so I thought I would join in on the fun today! I have now added the John 1:1-7 Copywork books to the FREEBIES page! These copywork books are available in English or Latin, and each book has options for dotted-print, dotted-cursive, or blank-ruled lines with a corresponding image for the student to color! You print what works for your students! A fun way to review the scripture memory portion of Classical … [Read more...]
Our School Year Recap…(2011-2012)
OK, ok, so I am actually writing this post for my own good. I seem to forget nearly everything these days, and I can be sure it won't get better as time passes on. I wanted to document what we did this past year in our school studies so I have an easy way to recall it. I figure at some point someone will ask me, "so what did you do your first year of homeschooling?" and I would like to respond with more than just a blank stare. Something wise like, … [Read more...]
When You’re Pushing in the Wrong Direction…
I sit on hands and knees, a paint scraper in hand. Back and forth I work the paint off of these old boards - laid down in the 1920's. Three hours of laying down paint remover, waiting and scraping, has turned into a bigger job than I had planned. It was only after a third of it was done that I realized it. It didn't matter how clean the boards were, or whether I put paint or stain on top, we would still be left with the same old boards - boards that have warped with … [Read more...]
Sweet, Filling Grace…
The berries are smashed and ooze red. Sweet goodness mixing with sugar in the saucepan. To make the jam, I bring it to a boil and follow the directions carefully. Too many berries, or too little boiling might make the jam runny. Too much boiling, or too much gelatin makes the jam too firm. It is a tricky balance, this teetering on the edge of not enough and too much. Our lives can be the same way - us wavering in the middle between awareness of abundance, and the desire for more.... I cut … [Read more...]
When the Heat is On….
I always thought I lived in a pretty small town. My friends and I lamented over the fact that there was no shopping available, and that nothing happened in our "small town". We always thought we needed to go to Phoenix or San Diego to do anything of real importance. My friends from Yuma are nodding their heads (population 194,000). But compared to the small town my husband grew up in, Yuma is a metropolis - full of traffic and the bustle of big city life. (People in Yuma can now … [Read more...]