I put on my boots and packed my favorite notebook just like I told you. At 1 o'clock in the morning I left home, heading for the airport in Chicago three hours away. I figured I would come back the same way I came. I simply forgot. When we step boldly into the unknown for Christ, we can never return the way we left. Halfway across the country, I bounce from one idea to another. From the eagerness to create, to do something new and exciting, and the reality of my … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2012
When You’re Afraid to Take that Step…
I pack my bags in a house all alone. The kids are tucked safely in at Grandma's and the Farmer is busy plowing tall corn stalks right down to the ground, stripping them bare of that golden kernel. I am not exactly sure why I am going - or why I feel Him leading me this way. A rural farm girl flying alone to Pennsylvania. I wonder tonight if this is more about the journey than the destination. I was more brave when I wrote in obscurity. When I struck out … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek…The Orchestra Book!
The Orchestra Book is officially written and off to the editor! Designed to be used in a community setting or at home, the Orchestra Book includes a complete study guide for instruction, as well as lapbook components that record what the student is learning! My favorite piece has to be the Music Timeline with pop-up composers and major people and events during that time! I thought I would give you a sneak peek in pictures....Enjoy! … [Read more...]