The sale on Cycle 2 My Memory Work Lapbooks ends MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT!!! Come see why families love having a resource to show off their memory work! … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2019
My Memory Work Lapbooks for Cycle 2!!
I am happy to announce that the My Memory Work Lapbooks for Cycle 2 have been updated!! These Lapbooks are a creative way of recording and reviewing your Memory Work. Think of them as a home-made pop-up book with your Memory Work studies on them! There are templates for every subject - History, Geography, Science, English Grammar, Latin, History Timeline, Scripture Memory, & Fine Arts! Your Kids will love them! Use them for hands-on interactive learning, review, … [Read more...]
A Review of Omnibus I by Veritas Press
I was offered this product for free in exchange for a review. However, I always give my honest thoughts and opinions, without persuasion from outside sources. In addition, I only review products we have truly used and completed, so my opinions are based on the full resource. It is my hope that my reviews help you make informed choices for your family. My daughter was participating in a program for 7th grade that … [Read more...]