Below are our most-read posts since 2010:
The Woman: I wrote this post many years ago, when I had 4 little people under 6 years old. It was originally published for (in)courage which is a division of Dayspring (the Christian cards, etc.) I still love this post, and it still resonates with me…
Getting Ready For Essentials – If you participate in the Classical Conversations Homeschool Program, this one seems to be popular regarding how we prep for Essentials…
An Easier Homeschool Day – This article was written recently, after many years homeschooling. It describes the tools and systems I use that create my “Circle of Sanity”. I use this system every day.
Homeschool Checklist – This one includes a free download and pairs with the post above it. This is still our system. Easy to set up, easy to use, easy to adjust, and we accomplish stuff.
The Beast – A look at what our culture says, and how it makes us feel…