I love to read. Really, a great day to me would involve a light rain tapping on large windows, me cuddle up with a blanket on a couch, and fire crackling beside me in the fireplace (which I don’t have by the way). Next to me is a warm cup of coffee a few good books and my Bible. Other than the rain there would be no sound, no interruption, and I could just get lost in the book, underlining, dog-earing the pages, and writing in the margins. The reality is that I think OSHA would deem the noise in this house an extreme hazard and my coffe cup has been re-heated at least ten times today. If I even tried to sit on the couch, I would instantly have four little ones clamoring around me, elbowing each other (and inadvertently elbowing me) for the best position. So you could say personal reading time is hard to come by around here, but I still try to make it a priority, and it is still my favorite pastime.
When I was a kid, I preferred fiction, but I find my more-serious self now veers to non-fiction. I guess because my reading time is so limited, I want to make the most of it by learning something. Although, I think it would probably benefit me to get lost in another world for a little while….one without laundry and dishes and overflowing paperwork…..Have you ever noticed that fictional books generally lack all of the realities of daily living? I digress….
One thing I love about our classical homeschool studies, is how it has challenged me to think deeply and to discover more easily the connections across all areas of thought, through the lens of a Christian Worldview. This year I decided to focus a bit on reading through some of the books suggested for high school students using the Challenge program of Classical Conversations. I figure it will take me a while to get through them all, and by that time, my 9 year old might be in Challenge!
I am listing my planned booklist in case anyone else out there in the blogosphere wants to read them with me. As I finish one, I plan to tell you my thoughts, and perhaps you can share your own take-aways and ideas in the comment section!
Not all of the books are from the CC Challenge Program. Some of the books are just ones I have been meaning to read, or something I am interested in.
So without furthur ado…..
(DISCLAIMER: I have included Amazon affiliate links for your convenience, and so you can quickly get more info and reviews about the books (I love reviews). Check your local library first, then consider purchasing from the CC Bookstore to support CC.)
My CC-Related Booklist
1. How Should We Then Live – Francis Schaefer. (Challenge II)
2. Protocol Matters – by Sandra Boswell – (Challenge I) Because it would help our family to instill a few more etiquette protocols around here!
3. Carry On Mr. Bowditch – by Jean Lee Latham – (Challenge A) – Encouragement in the study of Latin!
4. Crispin: The Cross of Lead – by Avi (Challenge A&B)
5. Defeating Darwinism – by Phillip Johnson (Challenge B)
6. Pride & Predjudice – by Jane Austen (Challenge II). This has been on my shelf for years. This is the year!
7. Saving Leonardo – by Nancy Pearcey (Challenge II) – also on the CC parent recommended reading list.
8. The Soul of Science – by Nancy Pearcey – (Challenge B) – also on the CC parent recommended reading list
9. Number the Stars – by Lois Lowry – (Challenge A)
10. Jesus Among Other Gods – by Ravi Zacharias (Challenge IV)
Other books not in the Challenge Program I am hoping to read:
1. Heartfelt Discipline – Clay Clarkson
2. Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of your Child – (CC Recommended)
3. The Question – Leigh Bortins – (CC Recommended)
4. Mission of Motherhood – Sally Clarkson
5. Think – John Piper (FREE PDF download on Desiring God.org!)
So far, my reading plan by month looks like this: (but is always subject to change as “life” happens)
January: Heartfelt Discipline & The Question
February: Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of your Child
March: Mission of Motherhood & How Should We Then Live
April: Crispin & Think
May: Number the Stars
June: Protocol Matters & The Soul of Science
July: Saving Leonardo
August: Pride & Prejudice
September: Jesus Among Other Gods
October: Defeating Darwinism
November: Carry On Mr. Bowditch
December: –TBD, probably some sort of Christmas book
CONFESSION: I have already listened to the Audio book of “How Should We Then Live” twice in the last 2 months. It is sooooo good! I bought the hardcover so I can tag pages to share with the kids, and mark it up! If you have a child in Foundations, and want a vision for the memory work put to use in future years (especially if you have been through at least two of the cycles, you have got to read this book! LOVED IT! Cannot wait until my kids get to read it and we get to have discussions about it! Join me next month in reading the hard copy!
DISCLAIMER: I may not get through all of these books. And that’s ok. I have found that it is better for me to set big goals and achieve 75% of them, rather than assume things will happen without a plan. So, here it is. For what it is worth. Which isn’t a whole lot. 🙂
Happy reading!
Linking up here today:

Love this idea and will certainly aim to read some of these with you! Thanks for the "Challenge!"
Great Brandy! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! 🙂
I agree that it is certainly hard to find time alone to read! My time ususally comes at night when the kids are in bed, but then I'm forefiting time with my husband. I always think that there should be 2 extra hours in the day…ones that have no responsibilities tied to them =) I've been reading through Teaching the Trivium (book club on Living and Learning at Home) and The Soverignity of God (with a group at my church). I love how you are reading the CC Challenge books. That really is a great idea!
That's a great list. You will be glad that you read some of the Challenge books ahead of time. We formed a book club in our CC and we are reading through all of the Challenge A & B books together. We are actually reading them to our Foundations children so that they are familiar with them before they start Challenge. After we are finished reading these to them then we will begin reading th Challenge I books to them, etc. I think it's a great way to familiarize yourself with the material that they will be digesting as well as prepping them for the future.