A familiar stranger comes to visit me, in the still of the morning. Her quiet, gentle spirit soothes my soul. Words that are kind and re-assuring are spoken by her. They bring comfort, and convince me that today is a day that will matter – a day where memories are made among an inquisitive six year old, an active three year old, and a 20 month old with a smile that brightens my world. For a moment, my life seems serene – so perfect and blessed, magnified as I become re-acquainted with the Woman.
I cannot describe her outward appearance, for it is difficult to discern. Her beauty within shines so brightly, that I never notice what her physical features hold. Except her hands. They cradle her coffee cup. Larger hands really, than I would expect. Hands that appear calloused from hard labor, but at the same time, guiding, tender, and soft. We visit silently about life, talking to God, praying, reading, and resting.
Somewhere in my ponderings, I hear the pitter patter of little feet upstairs, and She quietly leans back in her seat. Already, her non-verbal communication indicating a separation from She and I. As the little feet descend the stairs and the familiar voice of a child sounds out with my name – “Mommy”………
You can read the rest of the post over here at (In)courage today, where I am writing to inspire and encourage women. Would you be so kind as to join me there?
Karen, this was beautiful and touched my heart this morning. Thank you for sharing.
I couldn't wait to find out who she was.
Sometimes she is me, but not nearly enough.
Thank you for the reminder and also a nudge in the right direction.
Hi! I just left you a comment over at (in)courage but had to come by here too and tell you just how much I loved what you wrote and how much it meant to me…and met me right where I am in life!