Our house doesn't celebrate Santa because a few years ago someone had pointed out that if we tell our children about Santa, who they can't see, and also tell them about God, who they can't see, then when they find out Santa isn't real, it might make them question God. I thought that was fair reasoning. We do however, mention that many families celebrate in that way, and that it is a game parents and children play just for fun. Our kids know not to tell other kids that Santa … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2011
Advent Experience {Truth in the Tinsel}
I found a fun Advent resource by Amanda White with all kinds of great projects that walks you right through Advent! No more tedious planning! Perfect for the younger grades!I love that the scriptures are repeated several times throughout the month so that the kids really understand and remember the Truth! This is all about Christ, and leads us to the cross - you can't love the manger, unless you know it was ultimately for the cross! Check it out!When you BUY THE … [Read more...]
I am attempting to make it easier for everyone to find the resources you are looking for (specifically, Lapbooks). I have added a toolbar to the top of this page that links to the Posts with the Lapbooks. Further improvements should be coming.....~Karen … [Read more...]
A step into an airport and my mind already starts to wonder, "Who will the Lord place in my path today?" This started years ago with a single trip where I asked for God to show Himself to me, and that I would be awake to see Him. I ended up sitting next to someone and we spoke about all sorts of things, eventually leading to the sharing of my faith with that gentleman. The series of curcumstances were such that God's hand could not be ignored, and the adrenaline I felt knowing that I was … [Read more...]
When a lesson is caught…
He hands me the small yellow square - a message scratched out by a five-year-old on a yellow sticky note. He says, "I wrote Mommy Loves Daddy, because you do" and I smile. It is the same thing a woman leaned over and said during church fellowship time, that when I walked in and that love of mine put his arm around my waist while we sang hymns, that my daughter noticed and her eyes sparkled. Sometimes it is scary that they will learn more from what they see in us than what I try so hard to teach … [Read more...]
True Education
I read a post on A Holy Experience and feel like it was meant for me - a term I threw around a few times this weekend at my women's conference being used right there in the post, as if to taunt me. I remember what I want my children to learn most of all today - His compassion, His Mercy, His Grace to His people. That there are people that God gave needs to, and others he gave an abundance to, and if we would just open our hands, to let go of our grasp on the abundance, and … [Read more...]
The Staff of a Shepherd
A tree dies and the real dying begins. A knife cuts deep and when thick wood finally begins to take shape, the knife continues to peel back, sawdust pieces hitting the floor. The frustrating friction of sand makes it worn and smooth, rough edges removed.... Lord, this task can be so hard. I don't want to lead these little sheep in my fold, the babes looking to their mama and me having to show them you in each moment, me failing in so many moments. I don't want to be their shepherd...... … [Read more...]
The Journal
When anyone asks about why I choose homeschooling, I try to do my best to explain to them that we yearned for a "one-piece life" with no division between secular and sacred. A life lived to glorify God Sunday through Sunday. Now that I am in the thick of it, I have found that sometimes our one-piece life gets lost in the laundry and all that is clean is our underwear. Maybe that's too wild of an analogy for all of you... :)I went to a conference this weekend that was so … [Read more...]
Stretch Marks
I glance sight of them when I lift my arms to brush my hair in front of the mirror. My shirt lifts around the midline - and there they are - stretch marks. I think about how the skin at one time was stretched, pulled to it's maximum capacity swollen with baby and just when it felt like it may rip right open, the skin stretches again, this time with scars we call "stretch marks". I hesitate. Isn't our spirit the same way? We pull and plead, tug and stretch until we feel so far out of our own … [Read more...]
Thanks Giving
Not sure how to celebrate God's provision and the gift of Everlasting Life this Thanksgiving season? What better way than with Thanks and Giving trees? Loving this great tool for November from the blog: Chocolate on My Cranium. Check it out! … [Read more...]