We made a trip to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. About six hours of marine-lovin’ fun! We had never been there before, and i was delighted to see a whole wing devoted to the Great Lakes – just another way to tie into Classical Conversations! Becca loved the dolphins – also my favorite at her age. We got to sit in a theater that offered a “real” look at life as a penguin – the kids loved it when they got sprayed with water, cold air, and poked in the back at surprising times to make the video come alive! We loved the stingrays, the sharks, and my favorite – the Jellyfish! What an amazing special exhibit! There were jellyfish of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Some moved particularly fast, and others were quite slow. There were ones as small as a pin-head that you could still see bouncing up and down in the water. Others were an “upside-down” variety. It was just a great trip that I got to share with Becca, Robby, and baby Gabe – discovering God’s amazing creatures!
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