Well, the school year is about to start – my first “official” school year instructing the children. Although, we all know that the instruction of our children begins at their birth, for we are all homeschoolers in a way – teaching our children in the paths of righteousness and of His ways, am I right?
I wanted to start this journey with clear direction and purpose – to have some sort of “ruler” to help determine what reaches our goals and what detracts from them. In order to do that, I had to really look at what our goals for our children are. Rather than “education” in the formal sense of the word – who do I want them to become? When they leave my home for their own, what are the character traits I want them to have? When they face adversity, what will carry them? If the Lord chooses to whisk me away before they are grown, what are the key things they need to have? What is their ultimate purpose on this Earth? How can I help them “finish the race” (Hebrews 12)? This is where we should start and end our education. As I pondered these questions in my heart and head, I was surprised at where they led. They directed me more towards the formation of the heart than of the head – a wisdom from God and a righteousness to serve Him.
And so, the name of this blog – the title of this journey. The pursuit of wisdom – not man’s but His – found in His Word alone. The yearning for righteousness – true transformation of our heart toward His. The journey begins here, and we begin it together – a one-piece life woven into the tapestry of His grace.
At the foot of the cross,
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