Did the Essentials moms out there notice the alliteration in the title of this post? My Essentials class just loved adding alliteration to everything!
Well, here we are back again at Cycle 3 with our Classical Conversations curriculum! It is probably my favorite cycle, since there are so many ways to offer hands-on learning with field trips related to U.S History and Geography.
This will be our third time through, so I want to dive even deeper for my older kids, and make sure the middle ones fully immerse themselves in the discovery of U.S. History, Geography, and the Gospels.
In celebration of Cycle 3, and our new website re-design, I have a fantastic special for you on all of our products related to Cycle 3!
The Cycle 3 Bundle includes:
- My Memory Work Lapbooks for Cycle 3
- The Orchestra Study Guide & Lapbook – with Cycle 3 composers
- John 1-7 Copywork in English AND in Latin!
All of these items separately would usually cost $40, but as a bundle, they are regularly priced at $35!
EVEN BETTER, for the next 7 DAYS ONLY, you can get this entire bundle for $30!
I am so excited to offer this special to you, especially because I don’t normally run sales or discounts. However, it is the perfect time to offer one in celebration of the new site, and because as a mom with a kid going into Challenge, I can appreciate the fact that most families would like to save a little on their homeschool expenses this year!
Here is a peek inside the Cycle 3 My Memory Work Lapbook templates:
Check out all of the items available to complement your Cycle 3 studies! And tell your friends! The sale ends on Monday, June 5th at midnight!
Are the Cycle 3 materials updated since 2014?
There haven’t been any changes to your Foundations Guide, so it is the same as 2014. They will be updated to coordinate with the new Foundations Guide for Cycle 1 in 2018.
I’ve never purchased anything like this. Is it a download that I make copies on my printer?
Hi Robin! Yes, it is a digital download that you will print at home. This works out well since you can print as many copies as you need for your personal household, and if your child ends up with a mistake on a page that he or she wants to redo, you can just reprint the page!