Memory Work – First and foremost, we will be focusing on our Memory Work. Every year when I evaluate what really stuck with my kids and what they can then use to apply to new understanding, the Memory work stands out high above other forms of learning in the grammar stage. In addition to our CC memory work, we will be memorizing the following things primarily using resources that connect it to song. For our CC memory work, I also choose to download … [Read more...]
My Memory Work Lapbooks for Cycle 3!
The Cycle 3 My Memory Work Lapbooks are now available! I have re-vamped the Cycle 3 lapbooks to coincide with the recent Foundations Guide*** (you will need to own this to use the Lapbook resource), as well as updated many of the templates. This is a fun way to get hands-on with your memory work, and to create a fun portfolio of all you have learned over the year. Parents have also enjoyed using them for review, or as a tool for the Memory Masters in their families! Back by … [Read more...]
Plan vs. Reality….a Look at What Really Happened…
I love reading about other homeschooler's curriculum choices, and what goes on in their homeschool days! Many times though, I just see posts of what the plans for the year are, but am left wondering if the year turned out like they planned, and what they would have done differently. So, I decided I should post an update of what I had planned versus how the year turned out for us. I basically cut and pasted my old post with my plans from the beginning of the school year last fall in BLACK, and … [Read more...]
The Question
The Question: Teaching Your Child the Essentials of Classical Education Who would have guessed that a book based on the premise of asking questions would answer so many? In January, I mentioned my plan to attack a list of books, most (but not all) of them stemming from the Challenge program of Classical Conversations. The Question is the first of the books on this list related to the Classical Model of education, and I was excited to dive into it. The book begins with a brief … [Read more...]
The Absence of “Conversations”
It was years ago, before I ever looked into homeschooling. Back before "Classical Education" was ever a part of my vocabulary. Before Dorothy Sayers and Charlotte Mason and even discussions about Christian worldview, or worldview in general. It was in the wide open air - at an outdoor theater in my early 20's that I first realized something was missing. A man I was dating (and later would marry) took me to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at an outdoor theater in Spring Green, Wisconsin. It was … [Read more...]
Now Available! Orchestra Book for Cycle 2!
The Orchestra Lapbook and Teaching Guide is now available! Designed for six 30-minute lessons, this resource is designed to walk the teacher or parent right through the class time with a ready-made teaching script! Complete lesson plans introduce the topics and creatively incorporate a lapbook component to record what the student has learned. It is a cohesive, simple, and seamless way to discover and enjoy your orchestra study! In … [Read more...]
Scripture Memory: Ideas for Ephesians
Hey you guys! You can do this! Ok, so this picture might be a stretch, but how adorable is he? It reminds me of Smokey the Bear when I was little saying "only you can prevent forest fires!" Does anyone else remember that?? Anyone? Anyone? Back to topic...... This year, we will be memorizing Ephesians 6 within our Classical Conversations Community. At home, there are a number of ways to learn and review this … [Read more...]
When You Need a Schedule – Day 1
Since it is planning time for everyone, I thought I would re-post this series from the archives..... Creating a Family schedule that Works for You! I know - you're as ecstatic as I am. You could barely sleep last night thinking about I right? huh?....oh yeah, baby!! No?...... You're not that excited? Oh. Okay. In that case, it is a good thing we are going to take this one step … [Read more...]
Curriculum Choices 2013-2014
In light of the fact that I love hearing what other people are doing in their homeschools, I wanted to post our homeschool plans for this year (2013-2014). Memory Work - First and foremost, we will be focusing on our Memory Work. You can read all about what we memorize and what resources we use in THIS POST. Of course we will also be using the My Memory Work Lapbooks as a hands-on project based way to review our CC memory work. Reading - Our … [Read more...]
Our Memory Work
We love Memory Work around here - it just seems to be so fruitful in the long run! Since my kiddos memorize well to music, we are able to get a lot of info into our little noggins in one year! So there are a number of things we will be memorizing this year, and since I love hearing about what you all are doing, I figured I would post what we are doing. Today I will focus on Memory Work, and later this week I will fill you in on the rest of our studies. Memory Work … [Read more...]